
Do you ever have one singular, mundane moment when you realize your life just changed forever? 

I’m not talking a big, life-changing moment- like having a kid or losing a loved one. I’m talking, something you do daily, but one day, you realize your life just changed forever.

Because I can tell you the exact moment mine happened. 

October 5th, 2019 at 9:45 AM. I was picking up laundry. But I pulled my hamstring that day. Like barley pulled it, but still pulled it, nonetheless. I didn’t think much of it that day. But I look back and analyze everything I could’ve done different to avoid the big catastrophic change that happened in that day, in that moment. 

If I could go back, I would’ve left that damn piece of laundry on the floor. It wasn’t hurting anyone. It wasn’t even in my way- it was on his side of the bed & I had no reason being over there. I was just so damn annoyed that my boyfriend didn’t use the laundry basket sitting on the other side of the room. So, I bent down, reached a little out of my reach, & bam. Life as I knew it, forever changed. 

Slowly, my hamstring turned to bone. Slowly it affected my hip & knee, too. Slowly, & in the most pain of my entire life, my left hip to knee was a solid piece of bone. And we couldn’t do a damn thing about it. Medicine wasn’t touching the pain. We did every test under the sun to try to find a root cause that wasn’t FOP, something medicine could fix. The doctors tried, even though deep down we all knew the answer- it was the FOP Beast- a beast we couldn’t fight no matter how hard we tried. 

Can you pinpoint a singular moment in time where such a mundane task caused the world as you knew it to die? 

Slowly you build back you strength, spunk, and sass. Painfully slowly, you start to get your groove back. You refigure out your life, piece by piece. You do it because you lost a battle, but you didn’t lose the fight- you’ll never lose the fight. 

Maybe mundane tasks are silly and annoying, but one day you’ll realize- one of those tasks is life changing (hopefully in the positive way!)- but a change is there. You’ll find your moment in the weirdest, and probably annoying moment. 

I just hope your mundane task changes you for the better.

Side Bar: I don’t blame anyone for this moment. It was ME who decided to pick up that laundry, no one asked me & no one forced me. It’s not the doctor’s fault they couldn’t fix me- because I know if they had the ability they would. It was a choice I made- a choice I’d probably do differently if I had a redo, but life doesn’t work like that. 

Published by Carli Lyn

Hi, my name is Carli Lyn. I'm a little sassy & a little smart-assy. I'm a 27 year old grandma who loves to sleep, drink tea, & watch TV. I'm an avid (okay, crazy-obsessed) St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan. I am a crazy obsessed dog mom to my two little girls- Patience & Graci. I'm the pickiest eater you'll ever meet. The only healthy habit I have is drinking 8+ cups of water a day. I love Target. I love planners & pens. I love organization and anything HGTV. Oh also, I have a rare genetic bone condition- Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva &I have really cute little big toes.

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