my twenty- sixth trip around the sun

26 was hard. But not in the way the last couple years were.  My life is running on two parallels right now. One of grateful-ness, and one of pure broken-heart-ness. My health is starting to stabilize. And I’m figuring out my new normal. (Yay!) But, during the last year I lost my two best friends.Continue reading “my twenty- sixth trip around the sun”

I’m An America Ninja Warrior, Too.

“I’m a warrior too. But like everything in my life- it just looks different for me.”

The Reality of Needing Care…

“Dealing with me is a pain in the ass (I get it, half the time I don’t even want to deal with myself). But here we are…dealing with me & all of my BS. Caregivers don’t get enough credit”